So you found a product that is getting profitable sales on day one. Congratulations. You did one of the hardest things that there is to do in this whole process. Scaling it ain't that hard to take a product that's profitable and scale it past a thousand dollars a day. It's actually one of the easiest things to do. Out of everything you've done so far, it will be the easiest thing to do. Getting to that point though is a challenge.
So once you do get to that point and you have a campaign on day one with a 50 to a hundred dollars budget, that is getting multiple profitable sales, there's two things that you need to do to scale that campaign. You need to increase the budget and duplicate that campaign 10 times. When it comes to increasing the budget, you can be aggressive with it and increase it by double, or you can do smaller increases by 30%. It's all about how much capital you have on hand and how risky you want to be. I recommend doubling the budget because this is gonna make TikTok spend the money even faster. It's gonna get you more sales and give you an understanding on if you can keep scaling. This is a method called surfing. I didn't call up with surfing. I don't know who did. It's been around for a long time.
When you have something that's working, all that increase in the budget does is send more people to that thing. Your ad is dialed in, your product is dialed in, your website's dialed in, so let's send more people to it and we make more money. It's simple as that. Duplicating the campaign simply just does the same thing. It brings more people into that funnel, but when we duplicate it, it's sending it to a fresh pocket of audience. That's why when you duplicate your campaign 10 times, you're gonna see that maybe eight of them flop, but two of them actually perform really well. Everything's the same, but it's running to completely different pockets of audiences, simply because there's millions and millions of people that use the platform. So you know it's guaranteed that it can't run to the same people every single time. That's literally the scaling strategy.
On TikTok, you can just eat, sleep and repeat that strategy to a certain extent. What happens on TikTok is that you're gonna use this strategy, you're gonna scale to $2,000 a day, $3,000 a day, maybe even $10,000 a day, but quickly within the span of a week or two weeks, your product and your ads are not gonna perform as good as they did before because TikTok is a very content heavy platform. So once you have something that is profitable and is beginning to scale, you need to immediately begin the process of getting more ads. Now you can do what I did, which was order the product myself and film ads myself. So you can get exactly what you're looking for or you can outsource to another agency that does this. There's a bunch out there. Viral e-comm Ads is one, billow is another one. Fiverr is another one. The best thing you can do for scaling a winning product on TikTok is farming content and getting as many videos as you can because this is gonna put you miles ahead of your competition and really build that mo that makes it harder for them to compete with you.
The other aspect of scaling is continuing to test variables. So continuing to test different offers. Like with the necklace, I was able to scale so much further simply by having that gift bag and that insurance. Those two things allowed me to double my budget and scale it much more aggressively. If I never tested those things, I wouldn't have been able to scale to that level. So we need to constantly be thinking about what can we add to the pot? What can we change? What can we tweak and every day be making a minor adjustment that can potentially bring a huge result. We also Need to be scaling our infrastructure and making sure that we're providing a good experience to our customers. So when a product is profitable, we definitely wanna make sure that we submit that sourcing requests with auto Ds, and we make sure that they're able to source this product. We want to make sure that our customer service is clear and easy to contact and somebody's actually managing it. It's probably gonna be you in the beginning or your partner, whoever it is. And we also wanna make sure that our tracking page and everything is fully functional because when we scale, there's a lot of things that pop up. Customers have questions. Products sometimes get stuck in customs. You need to be on point of actually running the business. Getting sales is amazing, scaling is amazing, but you're actually running a real business and you stay on top of it, otherwise it's gonna come crashing just as fast as you built it up.
Scaling in the end is taking your product that you started was dropshipping and turning it into a full-fledged brand with all your own custom content, with an improved product that you worked with the suppliers in China to do with custom packaging with a high quality name and brand that you've built just like I did with the sleep end. And that's a little bit more of an advanced topic. That's why I included inside of your viral vault subscription, the reveal, the come up, which shows my whole strategy for actually turning these drop stream products into brands. But for a lot of you beginners, it's not relevant. You don't need that. What happens at that stage is you're running multiple ad platforms, you're customizing your product in China, you're dealing with influencers. That's a different level. Your job at this point is to learn how to identify products and trends, learn how to make good video ads, and learn how to make product pages to promote those things. That is the core foundational knowledge of how to make money with this game. Just with that skill alone mastered. You can go on and make a hundred thousand dollars a month all day, but if you want to get to that multimillion dollar level and you wanna build a sellable company, you have to know how to build a brand. So in the final module of this program, I'm gonna talk a little bit about how to run your business, fulfilling orders, customer service, and I'm gonna talk a little bit about that transition from drop shipping into a brand. So that's all I have to say about scaling. You guys have more questions, please reach out to our team in the Discord and thanks for watching. I'll see you in the next module.