There are two last tips that I recommend before jumping into the scaling phase first is expanding your product lineup. Now, I know I already discussed this in the upsell section, but I just wanted to cover it very briefly here simply by having one extra product on your store that you can sell to your customers. You can grow your business much faster. It's great to just have that single product on your website, but I'm telling you having multiple helps you scale so much easier. And now that you have the agent on your side, you can actually get these products in a good quality with good shipping times. And the best part is that the agent can typically bundle both of them in the same package and now you're making amazing money because you're not paying too shipping costs like you were before and your customers are really happy seriously. Take the time to look for something that goes well with your product because this will add so much value to your business and you will make more money and lastly a lot of people reach a certain level where they feel like their product is okay, and they stop improving. Product. This is something that I just wanted to speak about because I think it's so crucial that as you continue to go through this scaling phase. You are constantly focusing on improving the product that really should be the top priority maybe second to getting the business profitable and having really strong cash flow. But really focus heavily on improving the product as you go through this next scaling phase a lot of times people out scale what they can handle they scale their business way too high way too fast and they're not ready to deal with what comes with it. So seriously, I highly highly highly recommend that you take the time to focus on this it will pay off in a crazy way because eventually you will have the best product in the next section. I'm gonna be showing you how I went from this in 2020 to this in 2021. We're gonna break down exactly how I scale this business and what I learned along the way the biggest mistakes that I made and really everything that I wish I knew before I started scaling. Yeah, let's get into it.