All right. So we're gonna talk in this video about my Facebook ads scaling methods. These methods have taken me past $20,000 a day in sales and they're working today and will continue to work because the truth is the scale on Facebook doesn't necessarily come from some magical strategy. It's really heavily based on the things I'm gonna talk about right now disclaimer do not watch this video If you're not making at least 250 dollars a day with your store, everything's gonna go right over your head and it's gonna be so overwhelming to you that you're not even gonna want to do this anymore. If you're at that level though where you're making a couple hundred bucks a day congratulations. This video is gonna take you to the next level. So let's get into it. Just like the testing process the scaling process isn't really that difficult. The hardest part is getting something that shows potential to scale and then continuing to optimize it but finding the actual strategies to scale is not that hard Facebook makes it pretty easy for you. It's just a matter of sending more good traffic to your website. Now this is something I want you guys to write down burn it into your brain make a mental note out of this one. The most amount of scale is going to come from optimization of your business meaning improving your click-through rate getting your cost per link click down getting your conversion rate higher getting your aov higher. If you do these things, it's gonna be so much easier to see results on Facebook and nowadays with my brand. This is what I spend the majority of my time doing so I want to get my CTR up. I want to get my CPC down. So I'm constantly testing new creatives and I'm constantly tweaking my creative to try to see better results. Okay. I want to get my conversion rate up. I'm constantly trying new headlines new images new things on my website. These minor incremental gains are in the long run what gives you results inside of your store. Just keep that in mind in the scaling process. All right. So this is the exact order. I follow when I'm scaling new campaigns. Okay. The first thing is the interest testing which we already talked about that is your home base. You can't get any results without that you need that and you're gonna always have that now once you have your winning interest you're gonna put those into a winning interest CBO, which we'll talk about then I also like to set up retargeting we'll talk about and then I also do look-alike testing and I also have this thing called a super look like which I learned from my friend Gabriel that works extremely well. So this is kind of a basic structure of how it works and we're gonna go through each of these methods one by one. So the first one and the lowest hanging fruit when you're launching something and it's working. Well, it's horizontal scaling basically horizontal scaling and scaling by introducing more audiences and creatives into your campaign. This is an essential piece because it just shows more winning audiences in your campaigns and it helps you get more audiences. Are working every single day you don't need a ton of winning audiences to scale something massively. I mean my winning product right now. We have like 20 of them 15 of them. You really don't need a lot. Let's say you test the product right and you get one winning ad set and then you start horizontally scaling and launching new ad sets. And now you have five winning ad sets. I mean, let's do some simple math here. Let's say you're just doing $20 a day per ad set. You're going to be spending a hundred dollars a day now and if you have a decent realize that's a couple hundred bucks a day. So you don't need a lot of AD sets obviously the more the merrier but you know five is great if you can get that the goal though. Once you find at least one is to continue with horizontally scaling. So what this is the strategy is just adding three to five new interests that campaign every single day. This is gonna help you so much with consistency because these are typically going to be running on a low budget of like 10 to 20 dollars a day and every day they're just gonna continue cranking out sales and you're gonna keep finding new winning interests that are fresh and haven't seen your product yet literally every day. I do this and it's so easy. It's the lowest hanging fruit easiest way to scale if you're making a couple hundred bucks. This is the thing that'll take you from $200 a day to $500 a day potentially even a thousand dollars a day. So horizontal scaling is a major key. If you're struggling to come up with interest and new audience ideas just use the suggestions tool that Facebook provides you it'll help out a lot and once you have at least three winning audiences you want to start doing the CBO scaling strategies, so Um, let's see. Just want to make sure I include this so yeah guys, this is really what I just said if it's working just keep launching new interests every day. And then you want to follow the next two methods to scale really high using cbos and if it doesn't work, like if you if you really can't find another scalable interest and you're launching new interests. That means that your products probably not that good or you need to analyze your funnel and figure out where it's broken. So just figuring out you know, like as my CPC really high is my CTR really low. Am I getting no ad to cards watch the analyzing your data video in the course and that's gonna help you understand what's going on. All right. So that's horizontal scaling. Now. This is like a like a hierarchy. So if you can't get horizontal scaling to work don't even bother doing any of this other stuff because it's not gonna work either, you know, everything kind of falls down like a waterfall like you need to be able to hit each of these you can't just go straight into looking likes right away you can but I don't advise necessarily doing that the next thing once you get some traction with horizontal scaling since you're gonna have some data now you're gonna have people that are click into your website, you're gonna have video viewers you want to start retargeting. So this is just marketing to people who have already interacting with your brand. So they watch your ad maybe your website. These are the highest return campaigns that you'll be running. Typically you're gonna see these campaigns like a three to five x sometimes even more return on your money. They're lower budget though. You're not gonna scale them like crazy, but they're super consistent and they make money So my retargeting strategy is pretty simple. Really, what you want to do is you want to go to your Facebook audiences Tab and create custom audiences. It's super easy to do you just literally click create new audience. And the first one we're gonna do is 95% video viewers. These are people that have watched your ad for 95% Meaning that they saw the whole thing. They're gonna remember your brand when they get retargeted next one's view content, which is just people who have visited your website. The next one is add to cart then initiate check out and then purchase you want to make custom audiences of these by themselves. Don't make one of all them make them all by themselves. And then you want to create a $50 CBO campaign with five ad sets and you want to Target each of these individually on each ad set. So this is going to be ads at number one ads at two three four and five and that's gonna be around $10 a day of spend on each of these and that works extremely well. Now the creative that you're gonna use on a retargeting campaign is typically a little different you can use the same video that you're already running if you want but I recommend that you try this instead take a simple clean image of your product on a white background or a blue background whatever you want to do just make it really clean and put a discount code on that image. Okay. Once again make it clean. Don't make it look spammy or weird or untrust really make it nice and clean and this is gonna work a lot better because they already saw your product and they were interested in your product. And this is giving them a reason to come back around and complete their purchase. All right. So that's what I advise for retargeting setup that campaign with the $50 CBO with those targeting options set up a simple clean photo with a discount code. It's gonna work and if it doesn't work just keep trying different creatives. That's that's really the knob to pull when you're trying to get this optimizing get this working. All right. So when it comes to Advanced retargeting there are more options for custom audiences 25% video view 50% three second video view all website visitors. There's so many of them. So, you know, if you wanted to take this to the next level just try more audiences, okay and increase that CBO budget and also you can segment your audiences by the date so you can have a one day retargeting audience a seven day retargeting and a 14 day retargeting audience. This is advanced stuff. But it's what I do. It is a little complicated. I would only recommend doing this if you're you know at like 3,000 a day and you're trying to keep cranking you're at a couple hundred bucks. It's not gonna make a difference being honest here. So yeah that's retargeting for you. Hopefully, I'm not going through this too fast, you know, this is a video so you can rewind it and go back you need to next up. Let's talk about CBO scaling. This is really that thing that's gonna get you passed $5,000 a day. You guys know what CBO is it's just Distributing the budget across each ad set on the campaign Facebook. Does it automatically So when would you do the CBO scaling basically, you test a product? Okay, you see good results and you take the top performing interest and you put them into a CBO campaign and let Facebook do the heavy lifting and optimization. So what's the strategy? Well, I recommend like I said using that interest testing campaign where you're gonna be constantly horizontally testing meaning you have your interest that's working and you're dumping new interests in there every single day. Once you find at least three interests that are consistently profitable every day. You want to duplicate them into a new Campaign which is gonna be your interest scaling campaign. And then you want to start your CBO at a 300 to $500 budget. This might be a little overwhelming for you, but I'm telling you this is that thing that's gonna crank you up to those thousand dollar plus days. Okay, and you want to let it run for 48 hours. The first 24 hours that it runs, it's typically going to be a little shaky. Sometimes you're gonna you know, see good results right away, but you know, typically it needs a good 48 hours to run. And after about 48, you'll get a good set of data on if it's working or not. You can keep the best performing interest and you can kill the losers or in a perfect world. They're all working and that's always great. So how do you kind of optimize that and follow up on that? If you're seeing good metrics simply just keep increasing the budget on that every two to three days that the campaign is profitable. So if the campaign starts out the first three days doing well pump the budget up 20% just add on a couple bucks to it and keep doing this every couple of days at the campaign is doing well. Don't do this. If the campaign is performing badly. It's gonna make it perform even worse. And also guys never stop with the horizontal testing always keep launching new interests because you're gonna be able to take those interests and put them into the CBO campaign and you're gonna be cycling out the ones that die with fresh ones over and over and over again and it's gonna keep your performance consistent. Okay, and now we'll talk about vertical scaling which is basically just increasing the budget. This is very effective. I only scale at the CBO level which is literally what I just told you guys and it's it's really simple. It's just a pulp all these like I said after three days of performance on the CBO just vertically scale it which means increase the budget just honestly do 20% increase. So if you're at a hundred bucks increase it by 20 bucks and so on and so forth. Facebook even has an option where you can choose what percentage you want to increase it by it doesn't make a difference. If you do it manually or use that one never decrease the budget on Facebook. I found that this just wrecks the performance of my ads and never increase the budget after bad days of performance. I would also avoid massive budget increases 30% is typically the maximum that I'll be using. So yeah, that is basically all the scaling methods. The last one is the look-alike scaling. This is one of those things that I don't really recommend you guys really start hitting until you're at around a thousand dollars a day. So if you're not at a thousand dollars a day at the very minimum $500 a day don't even bother with this, but we'll talk about it. So look, like audiences basically people who are similar to people who have completed a conversion on your website. So let's say you have a thousand visitors to your website Facebook is able to take those thousand visitors and create an audience that is very similar to them in interest and in location and what they like to shop at. Okay, it's the most powerful thing that Facebook has in my opinion. They're really the key to massively scaling because their audiences that only you have and nobody else can Target them, you know, so you're gonna get good cpms and there's an incredible amount of audiences. You can create. I mean you can make them based on conversion location engagement that there's literally like you can make hundreds and hundreds of look like audiences which just gives you so many options for targeting. So my strategy is not very structured and I'm gonna try to make it structured for you guys to follow along but it's III make every look-alike audience possible and test all of them and you might say it sounds a little crazy, but I don't think so because basically it's no different than interest. If I got a chance to test a thousand interest that have potential for my product. I'm gonna test a thousand interest, you know, and with the look-alikes is no different. So I make a new campaign for each objective and I launch Five look alike audiences inside of that campaign just like the interest testing. I try to just do five ad sets that I think it works better. The way that I break it up is when you're building the lookalike audience, you can actually like choose the percentages that you want to do. So, I I pick five audiences it gives you how it says how many audiences do you want to create a Pick 5 and then I do one percent one to three and then three to five all the way up to this one of seven to ten and that's gonna give you five audiences that you can Target. I set the CBO at $250 and then I put each of these in their own ad set let it run for three days and you want to kill the losers. Okay. The goal here is to have multiple winning look-alike campaigns. I'll show you right now what this looks like. Let me pull this ad account. So this is an ad account that is only look alike audiences and you can kind of see what I'm talking about here. All every single one of these campaigns is a look like audience. I was only able to run this ad account for about a month and a half until it got disabled. But in that short time frame of a month and a half, I spent around 60 thousand dollars. Okay and made back over a hundred K. So that's like a 1.8 return on my money which is profitable for my product. So this is what I'm talking about here. We want to have a bunch of these look-alike audiences going this campaign for me was bringing in around $10,000 a day every single day. And yeah, it's it's very straightforward definitely recommend that this is where you guys strive to get. To is just having a bunch of these look like audiences every single one of these is a different one. So like this one would be purchased look like this one would be added cart look-alikes. This one will be initiated checkout look likes video of you look-alikes and so on and so forth. All right. All right. So there's one other strategy that I can give you guys for scaling with look-alikes. This strategy is really only recommended if you're doing like $10,000 a day, if you're doing less than that don't even bother like this is gonna be very confusing to you. But you know, if you're already making really good money. This is gonna take you to the next level. It's literally the thing that scaled me to $20,000 a day. It's all super look-alikes. I learned this from my friend Gabe. So get out to him. I didn't come with this strategy. Basically you want to take your top three performing objectives. Okay. So what I mean by that is let's say you test it all to look like that you could right and the best campaigns where you're purchase look like your view content look like you're add to cart look like Right, then you want to take each individual percentage of them and combine it into a super look-alike. So this this will be like how an ad set would look you'd have your purchase one percent your ad to cart 1% and your view content 1% And then your next one purchase one to three add the cart. One two, three view content one to three. You would do that all the way up to you have five ad sets with all the objectives combine. Now, I'm telling you this is gonna go over a lot of your guys's heads. But if you do comprehend this and you're understanding what I'm saying, and you're making some money set this up this strategy is killer and it scaled me to a crazy level. So super look-alikes are insanely good. I recommend putting the budget at thousand dollars a day and just letting it do its thing. So the key takeaway, I want you guys to get from this is that you know scaling while there are some complicated things that I do, you know, like the super look-alikes to look alike strategy. It's really focused on optimizing everything, okay? Making sure that your CTR is good. Your website speed is good. Your conversion rate is on point. Your AOV is on point. If you do that scaling is really going to be easy you can use all of these strategies and you can get to thousands of dollars a day. Trust me. It's not that hard to scale. It is hard to optimize and if you put your attention on that you're gonna be able to scale effortlessly. So hopefully this video wasn't too much for you guys. Like I said, this is for advanced people looking to take their business to the next level. This is everything that I'm using to scale and I hope that you enjoy